9 comments on “Cebas finalFlares v1.5 For 3DsMAX 2012 WIN32/WIN64 – XFORCE

  1. useless plugin, cos you can edit, and MUST edit your sequence in AE
    tools are ready just prepare your hands )

    • It’s not useless, but plugins like Optical Flares do seem to overpower it in terms of control and speed. Its good when you need a flare that interacts more with your 3d environment, but max does have a built in post effects that allow you to do that. This plugin does have a few more features, but it’s very specific.

  2. This is quite usefull plugin, I have no idea about max 2012 if they have resolved some problems with videopost like flares behind transparent objects and couple more but this plugin was ideal with this kind of stuff so I am happy to have it!


  3. There is one step missing in the install.txt:
    After installing ip-clamp, you must stop IPClampServer service(task manager->services) before hitting the ‘crack’ button in kgen to successfully patch the app.

  4. letitbit.net


  5. When I do something with lens flare I often use AE with optical flares, but even through all the control it offers you, I sometimes find it to be a hassle to recreate the needed flare parameters when you already have a 3D scene in Max (and where it’s obvious how a lens flare should interact with all the objects). I’ve never used such a plug-in in any 3D program, so I’ll see if the extra render time is worth it. :)

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