14 comments on “3D-IO Bones PRO v4.61 For 3ds Max 2014 Win – XFORCE

  1. this is GFX DOmain Release, and it doesnt work good. We want the correct one!

  2. hi all, relay i need help its working as full version , but my problem i have older copy and the trial one , now when i see how to install and cracked i have error message from License Manager v2.0.2.4 when i past the Licenses key


    he show
    ” Registration Failed, code may be incorrect. Error message : Error: License invalid ”

    so what i can do Please ?

  3. im getting an error when i put the license key Qm9uZXNQcm8NCjQNCk11bHRpVXNlcg0KMg0KWC1Gb3JjZSYmJkJvbmVzUHJvICg0KQ0KQ29tbWVyY2lhbA0KNDAzNjMuNTI0MDE1ODU2NQ0KMjk1ODEwMQ0KOTkNCnJnbkFRdFlEbVFPNTZYaE1zNzg0NDZKRDVrR0dFejN3NERKTU9OMXlLb0Z2dDNGbmtoSHZYK3lKejZ2K1NQdjJzTTY3dGpNZXJjc2puczI1bjRINCtvT3hQTyswZ0dQcDhKWm9ubXQzSGcxVGF6Ni93YjRHNjRKQ3FKM0ZBV3VvVmk1R1RMUDBYVFpDWFNRNGJwVGhlODUxMlIyMXc3ZkxDeit6K0tadC9iUT0

    i get registration failed cod may be incorrect error message error error while initializing license key is corrupted

    can someone help me

  4. That is works FOR SURE!!!
    Just DON’T run “anti_strong_names.reg” file!!! And you’ll be happy!!!
    If you’re alredy run it – see inside this file and delete all of regs in REGEDIT!

  5. Something is missing ! When you select the bone there is “Bone” menu , where you can edit the Strength and Fall off.

  6. Something is missing ! When you select the bone there isnt a “Bone” menu , where you can edit the Strength and Fall off.

  7. Something is missing ! When you select the bone there isn”t a “Bone” menu , where you can edit the Strength and Fall off.Which is available if you download the demo version.Tested on 3ds max 2014.

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