23 comments on “NextLimit Maxwell Render 2.6.10 x32 + x64 With All Plug-ins

  1. Does somebody here have a good resource/reference for Maxwell tuts?

      • Darp Vader, stop being a jerk.

        An honest answer deserves an honest reply;


        This is the best so far

  2. Rhino Plug-in is not working…
    “Exception occured in plug-in Maxwell for Rhino
    The type initializer for ‘Maxwell.UI.UserPrefs’ threw an exception”
    please help!!!

    • ?Exception occured in plug-in Maxwell for Rhino
      The type initializer for ?Maxwell.UI.UserPrefs? threw an exception?
      try to copy those files:
      detoured.dll -> _etoured.dll
      C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\CoProcManager\
      C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\CoProcManager\

  3. So can anyone answer this?

    Rhino Plug-in is not working?
    ?Exception occured in plug-in Maxwell for Rhino
    The type initializer for ?Maxwell.UI.UserPrefs? threw an exception?
    please help!!!

  4. Freakshare is missing the 1st part of the x86 version, and the individual parts listed are all dead links. Does someone have Part 1 of the x86? I need it to finish a project, thanks!

  5. Guys pls share Maxwell Video Tutorials!!!!!!!!!! cause it is very complex Render Engine!!!!!!

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