18 comments on “Luxion KeyShot 3.3.15 x32/x64

    • The new features are:

      Color Picker
      Metallic paint flakes
      Material templates
      Environment editing
      Improved texture mapping
      Improved animation interaction
      Maya importer

      • from what I can see its quite an improvement from the 3.0 version, a lot faster, more user friendly

  1. amazing work!
    so fast… it hasn’t been a couple of weeks and this is ready…
    I was just wondering if anybody knows how to get the VR?
    (I know i’m asking for too much)

  2. There is any way to get the crack and keygen only? it will be a lot faster!
    Two links, one for the whole software and another one for the crack only will be great!

  3. The VR addon should be pretty easy as it’s built in the version listed above, but only requires an extended license. Since this license we’re using is already tricking the application in believing we bought it, it should be possible to let it believe that VR is activated.

    Just another trick. Although unfortunately I don’t know how…

  4. I keep getting this error when trying to create a license in my documents folder: “MAC adress not found”. Anyone has any idea what the issue is ?

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