5 comments on “Ctrl+Paint – Dynamic Brushwork

  1. Well, I’m totally fine with gobbling up videos that would’ve cost me hundreds or thousands of dollars under legal circumstances, but seeing ctrl+paint stuff popping up here and possessing the ignorance to call it a good find is just such a damn low blow not even your pitiful mother would approve of.
    If you’re really into digital painting you should already be familiar with Matt, his shitload of free videos and helpful advices. He put’s such an effort in teaching people (including the bollockfaces above) useful stuff he could’ve easily kept for himself and charges ten (10!) fucking bucks for some of his even longer and deeper videos.
    Geeze, now grow some balls and buy one of his ridiculously cheap videos – unless you want to spend the future with digital tutor’esque garbage.
    Clap clap clap!

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