14 comments on “SolidAngle Softimage to Arnold (Sitoa) v2.5.0 Win x64 – MNT

  1. Thank you .
    by the way :
    bytesbox says:
    404 Error – Page Not Found

    • use http://bytesbox.com/!/Txxl1HLXLSmeJWt/Sota_V2.5.0.win.64.proper_MNT_CGP.rar

  2. How.. to install..
    Im new to XSI….

    where to place these xsiaddon files..

    help me.. thanks

  3. Bring us Arnold 4 or 5 what we sould do with 2.5?!?!?! (vray user)

    • Arnold is the engine, SITOA is the Softimage connection to Arnold … so they have different numbering as they are different things (a 3d user, not any engine/renderer fanboy)

  4. sitoa 2.5.0 is arnold core if you turn on log to console with
    verbose level “info” you can see this: Arnold windows icc110 oiio1012 rlm932 (build date: Oct 22 2012)

  5. you better should take a look into the forum for more info on this release:

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