Blender 2.46 has been released with load of new features like; hair and fur combing and rendering, cloth, and lots and lots more. This version supports a new particle system with hair and fur combing tools, fast and optimal fur rendering, a mesh deformation system for advanced character rigging, cloth simulation, fast Ambient Occlusion, a new Image browser, and that’s just the beginning. Some of the Blender 2.46 feature includes;
– Hair and Fur
– Particle system rewrite
– Image Browsing
– Cloth simulation
– Glossy Reflections
– Approximate AO
– Render Baking
– Mesh Deform Modifier
– Physics caching and baking
– Armature Drawing and Armature Tools
– Action Editor improvement
– Constraint System
– QMC & Adaptive Sampling
– UV texture editing
– Soft Shadows and more Shading features….and much more!
The cross platform 3d tool for free, ‘Blender’ project has been started ways back in late 90’s comes off ages as refined and complete 3d & animation software. Blender Released under GNU Public License, is fully free to use and distribute within any educational, professional or commercial environment. For more blender information and full features list, please
Hair and Fur
Particle system rewrite
More release logs:
Blender 2.46 (32bit)
Mac OS X

Blender 2.46, PowerPC (19 MB)
Requires Mac OS X 10.3+, Python 2.3
Suits PowerMac G5, Powerbook G4, iMac G5
Linux x86-32

Blender 2.46, Python 2.4 (14 MB)
Requires glibc 2.3.6, includes FFMPG
Suits most recent Linux distributions
More OS
Belender for 64bit OS

Eat that Maya users!
Woooooo blender!!
Now Here Is a Packeg OnyxTREE_strom .
U do not need any Plugins or anything? It has ots own interface. Use BAMBOO 6.exe and open parameters from bamboo library folders (create ur own item by simple parameters)and export them as .3ds or .obj
manual and textures are included?..(only 13.60MB)?..
If U people likes it then I?ll Upload More libraries?..
h**p:// 848/OnyxTREE_BAMBOO_6.rar.html
how can I post any thing? please tell me….