13 comments on “Autodesk Softimage 2015

  1. LOL… It was so obvious that XSI would end up like that. I’m not an Autodesk hater, but when in 2008 they bought Softimage corp. I already spoted their intentions – to slowly, yet gradually extinguish this 3D package. There was no place in the Autodesk offer for a product like XSI. 3ds Max and Maya balances out each other perfectly.
    It’s a kinda shame, that such a legend pass away. I’m a 3ds Max user myself, but there were certain things that I especially like about XSI. Shame on you Autodesk!

    • pre leak.. updated beta came out last week. Most of the releases here are betas.

  2. The one time pirating a software seems noble. Pirating for posterity. To you, SoftImage.

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