8 comments on “Luxion KeyShot PRO 6.1.72 (x86/x64)

  1. I don’t mean to complain, but seriously, why are the order of these links always so jumbled? It’s bad enough having to download them in fragmented pieces over hours, instead of seeing it uploaded on CGPeers first.

    It’s even worse when you download the wrong part (in this case, the 32-bit, which I don’t need), simply because the links aren’t listed in consistent order, and now you’ve got to download the right part (in this case, the 64-bit) and wait some more.

    Just ask for a little more care with neater posts, guys. But anyways, thanks.

    • Sometimes it looks like cgpeers and cgpersia were not related, I think a good part of the cgpersia community don’t even know the existence of cgpeers or a least they don’t use it.

  2. Using Windows via BootCamp (Apple), the keygen is unusable. The error “Unable to find MAC address” appears during lic file generation. Generate the file on another computer doesn’t work for the other one.

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