77 comments on “RiggingPRO for 3DS MAX

  1. hey i keep trying to download the files from CGwayupload.com but it tells me im using max allowed bandwidth per hour and im not downloading anything else just the browser is on.

  2. have to register to be able to download the files in CGwayupload.com, registration is for free.

  3. You do know that each and everytime you post the right adress here the rapidshare searchspider can find the file and delete it. So don’t EVER paste the full adress correct…use somelike /12645654/blabla and have everyone add www.rapidshare.com for and rar themselfs its safer and will keep the links alive longer.

  4. Hi there.

    I agred with Johan, also to put direct download will not help, cause rapidshare can track the reference url.

  5. Big thanks for this great tuts
    thanks Golfer for passe
    And Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggg thanks for CG PERSIA

  6. torrent pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

  7. Part 12 isn’t on rapidshare. Or maybe I’m just unlucky enough to have downloaded just a few minutes too late. Anyway, the link is dead. So, please, if someone could reupload… thanks in advance.

  8. If someone read this PLEASE! reload all those files. It?s not possible to download any links Golfer. Please HELP ME

  9. I found NEW links …..Remember I only find..


    password :www.downeach.com
    Edited by admin
    don’t add space before www , www links automatically convert to http links :/

  10. Just a note …
    there is no http:// in the password. I don’t know why the post added that.

  11. I don?t know what do you want to say Golfer, but thank you for sharing, although I hope that someone upload these links again.
    I don?t know if you have heard about “3d studio max maxscript 101 training” well I found its links 2 days ago, these are:

    Code: Password: http://www.CGSOFT.ru

    I hope this will be helpful for you. Newly sorrry for my bad English

  12. Dear Young Desparate,

    Please write in Your Language . I can translate just about any language.


  13. Respetado Golfer, lo que ocurre es que no entendi tu penultimo mensaje (el numero 66). De los links que colocaste en esta pagina, yo solo logre descargar el primer archivo y los dem?s no, este DVD se ve muy interesante y queria bajarlo, por eso es que estoy pidiendo ayuda. Gracias de todos modos Golfer.

  14. HI everybody, if someone find the password please tell us, because this pasword doesn`t work. Thank you so much dear GOLFER

  15. I understand what you are saying, you do not understand my post # 66 on this page.

    Yo entiendo lo que usted est? diciendo, usted no entiende mi puesto # 66 en esta p?gina.

    What I was trying to explain is that when i typed the actual password, this website automatically added a hyperlink ,as if the password was a web address when the password is really without a hyperlink: also remember , the word “pass:” is NOT part of the password only the words after it. (why don’t we just type the actual password the way it should be ? ,simple answer ” Because this site adds a hyperlink like “http.” before the password and makes it a totally different password that will not work for opening the .rar files


    Please keep reading ahead, I explain that this site automatically adds a (http://) to the password (making it a hyperlink) for the rar. files.all you have to do is NOT not add ” http:// ” to the password.


    Lo que estaba tratando de explicar es que cuando escribimos la contrase?a, este sitio web a?ade autom?ticamente un hiperv?nculo, como si la contrase?a es una direcci?n web cuando la contrase?a es realmente sin un hiperv?nculo: recordar tambi?n, la palabra “pass:” NO es parte de la contrase?a s?lo las palabras despu?s. (?por qu? no acabamos de escribir la contrase?a real de la forma en que se debe?, una respuesta sencilla “Debido a que este sitio a?ade un hiperv?nculo como ” http:// ” antes de la contrase?a y le hace una contrase?a totalmente diferente que no trabajo para la apertura de los archivos .rar


    Por favor, siga leyendo por delante, me explican que este sitio a?ade autom?ticamente un hiperv?nculo (http://) a la contrase?a para el rar. files.all lo que tienes que hacer es no a?adir http:// a la contrase?a.


    any problems?
    let me know_______________________________

  16. Thank you my dear GOLFER you are Great. Now I can understand your post # 66, excuse me my mistake.

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