
All posts for the day August 1st, 2009

particleIllusion 3.0.4

particleIllusion is a standalone application that allows you to quickly and easily create amazing effects: explosions, smoke, fire, sparkles, motion graphics backgrounds, space effects, creatures, and abstract artistic effects — literally hundreds of different types of effects.
particleIllusion 3.0 is our fully-featured professional version. It uses the latest version of our particle engine, and can create the largest number of effects, with amazing realism and complexity. Continue Reading

The new OnyxGARDEN SuperBundle 2 for 3ds Max is a cost saving collection of essential tools for a serious CG artist. The package contains the lates TREE STORM 2010 plugin for Max and six stand-alone plant creators/generators/editors with corresponding libraries of more than 460 ready to use trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, flowers, grasses, and grass covers! Furthermore, the SuperBundle 2 includes our new Onyx2Max import plugin for bringing Onyx plants to Max. Continue Reading