
All posts for the day August 26th, 2009

In Photoshop CS4: Layer Masks in Depth, senior trainer and photographer Jan Kabili takes an in-depth look at using layer masks to create professional-looking image composites and make targeted photo corrections. Jan examines some common situations in which layer masks are the key to creating convincing image composites. She demonstrates practical ways to enhance photos with layer masking, including masking adjustment layers and Smart Filters to affect part of a photo. She explains how to use layer masks to combine different exposures of the same scene, and teaches how to work with vector masks to achieve a clean, graphic look.

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Here you will find an exciting collection of technical papers on topics in computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and related research areas. These papers push the state-of-the-art in wide variety of research areas, including image processing, surface modeling, fluid simulation, character animation, shape analysis, reflectance modeling, image synthesis, real-time interaction, and much more.
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