17 comments on “Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Using Hybrido to Create Photorealistic Chocolate in RealFlow

  1. thanks but the sites you uploading on is so bad ,
    couldnt you just uplaoding it on hotfile or rapidshare or others called uploading sites ???

  2. Try this maybe …. qtyfiles.com …. fast ….
    Just an idea …

  3. The torrent isn’t working anymore, i’ve downloaded 55%, I need the rest!

  4. Torrent plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    really in need of this

  5. hi,
    the site on cgpeers is now invite only can u please mail me the torrent file ,or direct me to a better option.
    thanx in advance

  6. Please can you resend me the torrent pleaseeeeeee ? thank you so much!

  7. thanks for this. can someone invite me to cgpeers please or send me the torrent.

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