13 comments on “SolidAngle Maya To Arnold (MtoA) v0.21.0 – Win64

  1. Forget about Maya, where’s Softimage new version? :D
    I’m just joking, I’m a patient man.

  2. jokes aside XSI is on course to die. Hope you find some love for maya because youll need it.

    new maya 2014 looks amazing from what i have seen, big big changes on the dynamics. ICE is the only thing keeping softimage around, for now at least.

    I love ICE so no hate here.

  3. You’re speculating about Softimage faith. Besides, I cannot find any love for that abomination (from a workflow and ease of use stand point) called Maya and if Softimage will find a place in Autodesk’s graveyard, then Houdini here I come!

  4. I was just pointing out, that it is slowly disappearing from what I experience. So it isn’t pure speculation..plus the sources are people close to the product. Learn Houdini :)

  5. what’s with the “TR/Dropper.Gen” virus alarm I get when I check the archive with antivir. Can’t you guys provide virus free cracks?

  6. When I put maya checker to displace, it works well, but water and noise don’t work. Is it support issue or what?

  7. Does somebody know how to assign texture to fur in arnold for maya? aiHair works well with constant color, but when i put texture in it color distributes along each hair but not uv. In fxphd intoduction to arnold it works well in softimage…

  8. I found the cracking instructions very usefull but I can’t understand the last point:

    Launch RLM license manager with “rlm -dlog c:\temp\log.txt -install_service -service_name arnoldLicense -c solidangle.lic”

    Could somebody explain it?

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