155 comments on “Lumion Pro 3.0.1 – (x64) Patch fix by Zamueco

  1. Absolutely amazing, Super Awesome. :)
    Millions thanks to zamueco, CG Blogger and CGPersia.

  2. i dont know why people always share links on servers that dont support free users for large files.. why couldnt you use mediafire or jumbofiles..

    bloody M****FUKER

    • Bludy son of a bitch!
      Why do not YOU first share something useful with us?

      • You don’t understand the basics of sharing.
        It’s all about giving without expecting or demanding anything in return.

        What YOU are referring to is PAYING. – You first give me something then I give you something. Since you seem to live by that motto – why don’t you put your money where it belongs? – to the developers.

        • “You don?t understand the basics of sharing.”
          Sharing means somebody is NICE enough WISH to spend HIS time to share something with others. And it is up to HIM to decide HOW.
          The others just say “thanks”. Or pass by. Or, what I propose to “clever dicks” like you, share themselves in a way they seem more appropriate.
          But they DO NOT explain to ANYBODY what one should do to please them.

          • “But they DO NOT explain to ANYBODY what one should do to please them.”
            Well said!
            But read your own posts again – all you do is making demands and explaining!

            • +1.
              Hey Leo Taxil, take a hike. tj made a valid point (albeit with some vulgarity), this is a public website, after all. Keep the screaming and indignation out of here (same for TJ).

  3. I need it so much, please share torrent link as soon as possible.
    thank you so much for your fabulous website.

  4. Torrent was online but now its dead!! whats wrong?? Its stopped @10% !!

  5. Patch on part 7….. :)…..thank thank thank thank so so so much zamueco…… Link patch only http://www.mediafire.com/?2wsbe924665pddt

  6. oh i wish this would have been 3.0.2 because they fixed so many bugs in it, but this is still really really great, many thanks

  7. thank you so muchhhhhhhhhh.
    just one question: how can i register the software to use all the feature of it????

    • how u r able to download these large files?
      if any torrent link, plz upload.

  8. lumion 3.0.1 installed on windows 8, but when I open the program a message: General error appears. Anyone know how to fix this?

  9. max respect to zamueco!
    please reup uploaded.net
    …i have a premium account, but files are gone :(

  10. Awesome. I ended up paying for registration though, it would be great to have file factory files!! … cuz they are all deleted.


    1- Install.
    2- Go to C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/
    3- Open the “host” file with the notepad.
    4- Insert backup.lumion3d.com activate.lumion.com
    5- Execute the crack.
    6- Enjoy.


    1- Instalar la aplicaci?n.
    2- Ir a C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/
    3- Abrir la carpeta host con el bloc de notas
    4- Introducir backup.lumion3d.com activate.lumion.com
    5- Ejecutar el crack.
    6- Disfrutar.

    • Eivan or Zamueco
      mis amigos no puedo crackiar el programa debido a que el crack no visualiza bien miren la imagen a continuaci?n que puede hacer en este caso?

      my friends I can not crack the program because the crack unable to view the image look cuatinution you can do in this case?

      click para ver imagen/click to see image



      Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]

  12. i cant import any file from 3dsmax or other 3d programs
    is the crack work?

  13. ?Hola!
    ?como obtengo una cuenta torrent?

    How do I get an account torrent?

    • Alg?n miembro previamente registrado te tiene que mandar invitaci?n,
      pero no s? en qu? parte de cgpeers se env?an las invitaciones, la busco
      pero no la encuentro. A lo mejor alg?n amigo sabe c?mo .

      How to send an invitation from cgpeers ?

  14. hey … estoy buscando lo mismo, una invitacion para torrent si pudiera hacer favor,,, no sirven links , solo premium, gracias. por favor

  15. Hi is there any chance anyone who could download this repackage it back up into smalller packets of zip files, that would kind of be a solution to all…just an idea no bigger than 400mb, and re-upload..thanks in advance if you can.

  16. Porfavor pueden decirme cuantos archivos hay en la medicina, la he bajado y solo esta el parchador es decir 1 solo archivo. Como Introducir backup.lumion3d.com activate.lumion. com . es escribe literalmente, se empieza con numeral(no entiendo estos temas). pueden explicar como para un iletrado en esos temas. Lo otro es que no me deja guardar o modificar, pero eso lo soluciono grabando un id?ntico fuera y luego lo cambio.

  17. hola! alguien que haya descargado el programa y lo quiera mandar por dropbox? PORFA!

    Someone that has already download lumion and wants to send me through dropbox? PLEASE!

  18. How can i donwload via torrent?
    I seems to be protected by “user and password” the site

  19. So it is here but I can’t get it? I have to pay for the cloud service or something?

  20. Spanish
    mis amigos no puedo crackiar el programa debido a que el crack no visualiza bien miren la imagen a continuaci?n que puede hacer en este caso?

    my friends I can not crack the program because the crack unable to view the image look cuatinution you can do in this case?

    click para ver imagen/click to see image



    Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]

  21. Please my friends, i need a invitation for cgpeers.
    Someone can help me ???

    Thanks for all

  22. Thanks ! Great job ! can’t wait to download , torrent works on cgpeers!

    • Something is better then nothing.
      just stop watching the demo videos,
      you hve to pay 2 gain something.
      where is the torrent

  23. Only available for Premium Members! And the torrent doesn’t work!

    Any help?

  24. can anyone give me a torrent send through to my email mnor67@yahoo.com please :( i need this

  25. Thanks a lot Zamueco
    You made my dreams come true.
    Just Praying that after downloading with patience, hope it works with full activation.

    Again thanks a lot.

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