The ultimate character animation plugins suite for 3ds max 9/2008
The Di-O-Matic Character Pack is an all in one suite gathering all the plugins Di-O-Matic has developed until now and much more to help you save time in your production. It’s a single CD, with a single installer but it’s jam-packed of tools you need for your character animation.
This pack contains the following plug-in’s:
*Facial Studio
*Morph Toolkit
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Is it also working with max 2009?
Thanx-You so mush CGPersia !!!
Can I install in Vista 64bit and Max 2008 64bit ?
Are you planning a 64bit release for this, by any chance?
thanks admin u are the best
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Facial Studio V2
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I get a error when selecting the server, especially for voice-o-matic. Can someone that got this to work please send instructions or post them here. More than likely I did something wrong.
Yeah its not working here. the server just refuse to accept any ip addresses.
No it’s only for 9-2008.
2009 has a modified sdk so that is why all plugs for 2008 have to be rewritten…
Hey admin can you get Lightning for 3ds max 2008, beacuse it’s great but I dont think you have it here.
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can someone torrent it pls? :)
motasefane minevise ke in file tavasote uploader pak shode!
Only Hercules works with the license the rest doesn’t work. very strange.
Great POst. Everything worked fine :) Just some simple things. had to reboot to get the server to work and its not that the plugin doesn’t work.. its that you have to creat an object such as the “head” to get other functions of cluster matic and what not.. :) great great post
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to use all applications (The Di-O-Matic Character Pack) can ride a view windows have to install and update alpserver and everything amiss following the instructions of crack.
Sorry for my English is translated by google
The license only authorize the hercules plugin and when I do upload the license file to other plugin it says it works but not for this plugin. So the problem here lays in the keygen.
Maybe I’m missing some font type.
my machine ID is “c90db67-shit-machine” without the quotes of course.
can someone be so kind to create a license file on your pc that works 100% and send me the file to
duta.fla “at” gmail dot com
I hope someone can help me out.
Is it just me, or does this only work with xp?
Once I installed the ALPS server software, I run update and got all but Ventriloquist to work. Still looking for solution to get ventriloquist to work.
sob no one wants to help me. I guess I’ll just cry in the corner while you all enjoy this plugin.
but i doesn’t work.. i update alpserver.. but the plugins do not working..
the maschine-ID (alpserver) is: cc61b6a2-xxoxx-c82b37
but in the keygen its: CC61B6A2-xxoxx-C82B37
maybe here is the problem.. they keygen also writ capital letter.. and i cant change it..
maybe anyone can help?? Thank you very much
I found the problem . the KG only reads caps. Look at your computer name. If its not all caps
you?ll need to rename your system in ALL CAPS .
uninstall ALP Server
reinstall ALP Server ( it should pick up the new name)
then use you can use the KG
Same thing happens with me.. :(
The license only work for hercules, the rest doesn’t work. I already update ALP Manager and follow the instruction, but still doesn’t work.
Can anybody who successfully crack voice-o-matic to post their installation steps?
– deinstall character pack/ alp-server
– rename my computer (ALL CAPS)
– install character pack / alp-server
– update alp-server
now everything works!! but only Voice-O-Matic will not work..
the same error-message:
“Cannot install a previously uninstalled license, please request a new license”
in the Authorization of Voice-O-Matic they show the computername in small letter?! maybe someone have an idea..
but once again: BIG THANKS TO csg!!
thanks to cgs also!
i follw the instruction, everything works fine except for voice-o-matic..
can anyone help me for this?
i installed di-o-matic and apls server, it says that the machine id doesn’t match. the machine id is: d8cf3686-muller-c4dedee0.
can anyone send the license file for me to the following address?
[email protected]
Does anyone know where I can find the The Di-O-Matic Character Pack V.2 through rapidshare for 3dsmax 2009?
Thanks in advance..
I Don’t find subscribe Linkes For Download ;help me in soon! :((
need rapidshare link please upload some body
My voice-O-matic doesn’t work either, it says that license file generated by keygen is not for voice-o-matic, Admin pls help us out, I’will send you post card with a hot girl’s kiss from China~! I’m serious!~!
when i am selected the server ip:local i get nothin , Only Hercules works the rest doesn?t work (ask register)
hello , can any one make voice-o-matic work and send the details to [email protected] or atleast post here , so that others also can benefit from there discovery. Please share let the world grow and become a beautiful place to live.
Voice-O-Matic doesn’t work.
HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! Does any one have for max2009?
mamnon az in hame zahmati ke mikeshid=mikham bedonam di o matic vse may 2008 x64 vojod dareh ageh hast mishe linkesho inja bezarin=bazam mamnon az in hame zahmat ke vase in site be in khobi ke mikeshin
hi guys,
if you need voice-o-matic, please download from other links, this links doesnt have workable voice-o-matic, dont waste your time downloading from this link…
DI-O-MATIC Character Pack V1.14, links are not working. Will anyone be kind enough to send a link for download free
Thank you for uploading but can only register The Hercules plugin. Please help me!
[email protected]
Thank you for uploading but I can only register The Hercules plugin. Please help me!
Do u have some for 3ds max 2009??? PLEASE!~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am 3D Aminimator, I have need a free Voice O Matic, Face Station,
Do u have for character pack v1.2 for 3dmax 2009?
any one have Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition) . i could not find it