Sitni Sati Plugins 3D Studio Max 2009 (32/64Bit) **Updated
DreamScape 2.5d for 3dsmax2009 32Bit fxl_rar.htm
DreamScape 2.5d for 3dsmax2009 64Bit kmt_rar.htm
Afterburn 4.0 for 3dsmax2009 32Bit _rar.htm
Afterburn 4.0 for 3dsmax2009 64Bit _rar.htm
FumeFX 1.1 for 3dsmax2009 32Bit tp_rar.htm
FumeFX 1.1 for 3dsmax2009 64Bit mk_rar.htm
but you can download all of sitnisati plugins for 3dsmax 2009 from this torrent
Afterburn 4.0 32/64 Max 2009 Dreamscape 2.5D 32/64 Max 2009 FumeFX 1.1 32/64 Max 2009 Enjoy!
Thanx you so mush Admin again !
well great post…. but i can only install Fume FX… then i try
to install Afterburn and Dream… it tells me form the start that i cant finde 3ds max on my system … even then tell it the folder it dont work after the installtion… any idears ?
pleas upload any other server np. rapidshare
thanx budy, from lima-Peru
could anyone make the 64bits versions work? the keygen don?t run on my winXP 64 bits :(
Thank you Admin, I would like to know what makes you do what you do. What is the reason that fuels you to keep this site running?
I just tryed to open it, end it ask me a password. How can I get it?
Hi, I tried to download the sitni sati plugins, but the piatebay deny to find the files. It keep giving me errors the files cant be found. Thanks alot
The link not work…
Anyone have a new link? Please!
DreamScape 2.5d for 3dsmax2009 32Bit
DreamScape 2.5d for 3dsmax2009 64Bit
Afterburn 4.0 for 3dsmax2009 32Bit
Afterburn 4.0 for 3dsmax2009 64Bit
FumeFX 1.1 for 3dsmax2009 32Bit
FumeFX 1.1 for 3dsmax2009 64Bit
Thanks, but the file XF-DCPFLICS14-KG.exe included in Afterburn and FumeFX has a trojan… and not work.
Anybody have anoter copy of this file?
Tahnks a lot.
for the last time! :|
those xforce keygens don’t have any Trojan
some crazy antivirus like avg with mad hysteric scan just find that packer as trojan …
The ShareOnAll website is down, is there another download link for these?
Can anyone upload in any other website because shareonall doesnt work anymore !!! PLIZZZZZ ineed this badly. If someone managed to download from shareonall plizz share with others ;))) Cheers ;)
yes plz upload to rapidshare or some other website please and thank you :)
Someone please re-up these!
no rapidshare? no torrent? anybody? please!
Thanks to CGP.
Anyone have the Hairfx for Max 2009?
Hey CGP,
The 64-bit link for the Afterburn plug-in that you posted seems to be for 3ds 2008 and not 2009. Is there a 2009 64-bit version?
Thanks! :)
Thanks CGP, greatly appreciated!
rapidshare kind of sucks balls, in future could you use something like :)
Has anyone else had a problem with the FUMEFX_TP.dlo file for Max 2009 32 bit? It is an add on for thinking particles, but it keeps Max from loading and I had to remove it to get Max to work, even though I have thinking particles installed.
Hi Amuro Ray,
I have exactly the same problem.
I have got:
Windows XP Professional 64 bit
3dsmax 2009 64bit
TP 3 SP1 2009 64bit from rapidshare (it’s rather for 2008 but works for 2009 as well)
FumeFX 1.1 64bit from rapidshare (the same situation as above)
and when I select FumeFX / Thinking Particles Plug-in … 3dsmax shows me an error message that cannot load FUMEFX_TP.dlo. When I try to install Fume FX 1.1 without TP-addin everything works fine.
Anyone have an idea?
SitniSati for 3DS MAX 2009 32bit/64bit – FumeFX 1.1 – DreamScape 2.5 – AfterBurn 4.0
Torrent :
I removed the FumeFX_TP.dlo and it Max starts up fine. I’ve looked at both Cebas and SitniSati public forums and there’s no answer to what’s wrong.
Could it possibly be a problem with the DCPflics?
Oh hai Theher 0_O Thahanks u the BirdWatx
crack doesnt work it also says you need to configure and set up DCPFLICS in the installation instructions though i set it up on localhost and on the default port and when i do everything like it says to it asks for the license again….
Hola amigos, tengo un PROBLEMA con el KEYGEN de los plugins. no se como realizar la configuracion DCPFLICS, si alguien me puede ayudar, le agradesere
DCPFLICS doesn’t work for me, it keeps telling me “License does not exist” – even before I click anything.
how can i donate to this site. Anyone!!!
All hail cg persia and it’s uploaders for their endless effort to bring professional cg stuff to us, poor mortal souls :)
Now, can someone upload also other plugins for afterworks? I mean especially ScatterVL Pro – a great max volume light plugin, until release 6 provided also as demo for free, but since then I never saw it. I could’t find it anywhere on torrents/other sites and cgpersia never dissappointed me. And also Enlight plugin, if someone have it.
Tnx for great help, ;)
Ah! sorry my mcafee says the keygen have a virous or troujan though!
is it ok?!
btw it deleted the keygen itself! but I can dl it again!
just wonder to know if this is safe to dis the mcafee?!!! :|
sorry! I gotcha!!
for the last time! :|
those xforce keygens don?t have any Trojan
some crazy antivirus like avg with mad hysteric scan just find that packer as trojan ?
sorry! ^^
guys if you have a trouble to install after burn,,
Write your ip address in to crack file, then generate the crack..
finding your ip easy..
write ipconfig -all in dos.
Excellent site – do keep up the good work.G
any chance of cracking the new versions of these programs? like FumeFX 1.2 or Dreamscape 2.5E?
????????? :) ???? ???? ???????????? ? ????????? ?????. ???????????!
it says , the serials are in the CLIPBOARD , where is the clipboard”?
None of these 64bit version work. Click authorize and it brings up a window that says:
Navigation to the webpage was canceled
What you can try:
Retype the address.
its sayd that because u have IE 8 …u must downgrade to IE 7 if u want to license your sitni sati products .
Thank you for the infromations. I operate Windows 7 64bit so I hope I can do so to IE7.
For those wanting to go to Windows 7, don’t. If you want still to use your Sitni sati plugins you need IE 7. Windows 7 wont allow for IE 7. You will not be able to install your plugins. Windows 7 used IE 8 as default browsing and no downgrading to IE7.
hey everyone
i have a problem with afterburn 4 on 3dsmax2009 32bits
i try to make a tuto of youtube and i don’t know if it’s a problem of this plugin or if it’s my fault
here is the link of tuto
in time 0:15 when guy open window atmospheric effect
he add afterburn …and 3dmax add automaticly afterburn renderer
for me 3dsmax add fusion works renderer… and i can’t see my aferburn renderer only the particules…
where am i wrong???
why i don’t have the afterburner renderer too in my plugin???
please help me
Fume1.1×64 – Is this for sure a max2009 ver? I try to install it and the installation wizard says “The setup progrem did not detect a 64bit of 3dsmax 2008! on your computer”. If I continue the install and install it on max 2009 then max refuse to load up.
I need ver 1.1 on max2009 and not 1.2.. :\
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