finalFlares, the successor of RealLensFlare II, is available now as a stand alone option for 3ds max versions 6 through 2008 and Autodesk VIZ 2005-2007. Finally, one of the best and most powerful F/X packages for 3ds max becomes available to every 3D artist for an affordable price. Continue Reading
All posts for the month May, 2008
Fusion? 5 is a full-featured, node-based compositing system with built-in backend tools via a powerful scripting engine with ODBC support. A perfect balance between a backroom power tool and a front room client station, Fusion 5 has it all. Not only does Fusion 5 have a real 3D environment with camera/lights support for leading 3D packages, it is also one of the most powerful and intuitive 3D particle systems on the market. With hardware-accelerated 3D capabilities, you can now migrate from pre-vis to finals within the same application. eyeon’s Fusion is a true synergy of 2D and 3D tools for ultimate compositing. Continue Reading
The T-Splines Maya Plugin was created for artists who want the precision of NURBS without limiting themselves to its stringent restrictions. In T-Splines, arbitrary detail is easily added, and the entire model can maintain just the optimum level of detail. This means creating seamless models is the rule, not the exception. Additionally, there is no need to worry about keeping tangencies between different parts of the model?T-Spline models are automatically curvature continuous throughout. Continue Reading
pyrocluster offers state of the art volume acceleration rendering technologies, and it is by far one of the fastest and most flexible 3D smoke/cloud generators for 3ds max 6 through 2008. To guarantee a flawless integration into 3ds max, many new workflow and design concepts have been introduced. pyrocluster is now much more user friendly and offers even better control over volumetric effects like any other tool for 3ds max. Continue Reading
finalDOF? is cebas’ next generation effects tool for 3ds max. finalDOF is an all purpose Depth Of Field (DOF) & Motion Blur render effect for 3ds max.
finalDOF is the first plug-in ever to break the borders of the newly introduced layered G-Buffer channels of 3ds max versions 6 through 2008! With its full support of unlimited G-Buffer channels, finalDOF outperforms any standard 3ds max Render Effect. High quality Anti Aliasing Reconstruction after applying a render effect is only possible with the use of all sub pixel information available from the renderer. Continue Reading
Many of the woods are stressed and aged at different levels.
Scratches and cracks, bleached or flaked colors, dirty or mossy edges makes your work varied, unique and credible.
We have deliberately made not all textures tileable both in horizontal and vertical direction, because of the risk of geting lost the interesting structures. Continue Reading
Quark XPress 7.0 Portable
QuarkXPress? is powerful design and page layout software with an intuitive, versatile interface that lets you combine superior typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output for print and Web delivery. QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies and design firms, marketers, printers, corporate publishers, catalog houses, and book publishers.
QuarkXPress Passport? offers all the features and capabilities of QuarkXPress plus the ability to display menus, check spelling, and properly hyphenate text in 11 languages – making your international publishing easier and more efficient.