117 comments on “SOFTIMAGE XSI 7.0 (32/64Bit) Xforce

  1. is this for real? this can’t possibly be real, they just started shipping XSI 7 a week ago. anyway, i’ll download it and give it a try. i really hope this is real…
    oh and thanks a lot if it is :D

  2. Yep, its real tried it. Install and patch to make XSI v7 (adv 32) registered. Sweet ………..

  3. I would like a crack for linux version. Do someone have it? I don’t use windows.

  4. The AVG antivirus did not provide any warning about trojan or virus.

  5. Has anyone tried the 32 bit crack on the 64? I know the 6.0 version worked..

  6. Its a great post ! thks for the septrate crack file it helped me alot. thks again

  7. Work like a charm.
    No virus scaned with :avira/norton/avast/kaspersky/nod32/panda and other.

  8. thx binlink rack for 32-bit


  9. Just for the record, this works FLAWLESSLY.

    (For me at least.)

    SNAPPY, LICH KING? Is you retarded?


  10. I mean really, I’m playing the example scenes and they play PERFECT…




  11. Does enybody knows how to crack plug in for lip sync for XSI. I have 30 days trial plug in.

  12. Help in installation!
    When I try to install, the program asks to choose license options. Which option should I choose???

    When I run the program he crash and displays the following message:
    “Succefully saved scene before system failure.
    Restart the application to recover the scene.”

    Can anyone help?

  13. XSI 7 is UNSTABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And I have no materials in mat library……..

  14. The__Digital__Tutors__The__Artist__Guide 2gb
    Hey guys get it right now and be happy !!!

  15. Y the app freez every 5min?and when y try to select any polygo take like 2 o 3 secon 2select the poly?

  16. tha what happen 2 me to ?Succefully saved scene before system failure.
    Restart the application to recover the scene.?

  17. XSI doesn’t get a official release until September. This is a fault release demo from avid so hackers can “patch it” but it will still be unstable. Pixol logic did the same thing with zbrush 3 you might recall releasing an unfinished product early so the warez community could play with an unstable release. I’ll wait until September / October for a proper fix probably from Xforce. XSI Is worth the wait. (but not the price)

  18. I found why xsi freezed after a while operation.
    When you use THE cracked XSI.EXE, you don’t have to enable License server, but THE cracked XSI.EXE still want to communicate with license server regularly, since it is disable, so xsi hangs over there.
    My temporary solution is to get a trial license from AVID, that makes XSI work for 30 days and I, am waiting for a workable crack solution to come.

  19. yes, it is unstable. if you are aware, license server should always be running. When u open xsi, it will run for some time, however license server will be down. That makes the xsi freeze. you need a key to install here to make it run properly, unless someone has other solutions.

  20. I have very slow internet :(
    any body try this link may be it’s work crack

  21. did anyone try to run the the license server with the older crack? I did and the cracked exe version stoped freezing, so far !!

  22. khalil,what is the older cracks in your solution?
    I’ve tried xsi 6.01 crack solution made by xforce, but it didn’t work.
    Newer license server didn’t recognize those older cracked files.
    XSI 7.0 didn’t recognize older license server either.

  23. BTW, for your information, netkit, this new cracked XSI.EXE won’t trigger license server at all.
    If you enable license server first, then you run cracked XSI.EXE, after a while, you disable license server, in ten minutes you will be informed that licensed server is down , you have 3 options to choose but XSI won’t freeze. That’s how I found the cause.

  24. To Khalil i use xsi 6.5 and license server is founded in c:\smp directory but xsi 7 is not create license server directory …

  25. am not sure if that what stoped mine from freezing, I’ve installed xsi advanced from softimage’s site along with the NOPE crack & used 6.5’s xforce license crack to keep the license server running, so far no freezes! I also did a long render that took more than an hour, anyways this crack just to play with the new features till Xforce do their magic ;) ..

  26. I’m install xsi 6.5 (its working perfect). license server is working(from xsi 6.5) but xsi 7 is still freez :(. Sorry for my bad english.

  27. Hey!!!!!
    the link for rapidshare is empty… can you Re-Upload again please, the 32 bit

  28. To stop freez XSI 7
    Install xsi 6.5 – instruction for install and crack on this site.
    Start Licence Server for xsi 6.5 and ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!

  29. The__Digital__Tutors__The__Artist__Guide 2gb
    Hey guys get it right now and be happy !!!
    h_t_t_p://www.softimage.com/downloads/artist_guide_to_x si/default.aspx

    thank you 3DMAN!!
    but do i need to enter a code before unzipping? I mean it’s 2gb..before i download has anyone tried it does it have a code or something…please reply anyone? thanks
    and also the site has a note
    Note: The Digital Tutors clips are available to 7.0 customers only. You will be asked to enter your Customer ID or Registration Code.

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