70 comments on “Vertex Pusher Complete range of tutorials

    • LOL, you like a bunch of outlaws and half-brained teenagers. I wait for a day they hang from trees for the robberies they do all time!

      • The publisher is getting FREE ADVERTISING… they should pay CGPersia for all the exposure.. because if you Google this material, CGPersia tops the list and not the mother site for the products. So go take a chill pill and come back when you feel love in your heart for people who can’t afford these and are looking to better themselves through training.. you dillpickle.

  1. Soon we will move from threatening to real action, boy. Enjoy the time till then.

  2. Isn’t threatening someone online with physical violence a criminal offence?
    Oops, yes it is.

  3. can upload torrent for every vol, sir ?
    it’s so huge when download all of them in 1 torrent ?

    • dude you do realise you can select what part of the torrent to download:)
      you don’t have to download the whole lot

  4. This release didn’t last long! :/
    (1 of 3 left and sure this will vanish soon also)

    • Well the final 2 D/Ls now! ;)
      Thanks for fixing the links and thanks (as always) for the release! :)

      And for you others that complain that you don’t use C4D or whatever. You can still use the theoretic part behind it in different software!

  5. A torrent for this would be great. It’s a real pain to drag around with tons of links and have to wait to download and so on and so forth (not that I’m complaining about the effort or anything Ir0nboy).

  6. I salute you ir0nboy. A really good way to get back at the dev for pissing us off. Haha … keep it coming brother :)

  7. “Due to the dev coming here threatening one of our members here is the full set of Vertex Pusher tutorials”

    Yeah, and don’t forget recent death threats from developer to poster; just check discussion on forum: http://forum.cgpersia.com/f66/vertex-pusher-complete-range-tutorials-36130/#post291766

  8. Mouth of Sauron, you are threatening people over the internet. In any country thats a crime. good luck with that.

  9. C’mon people, “Mouth of Sauron” is someone just trying to make a living and now by downloading his products we have probably destroyed his livelihood.

    Doing this is like crapping in our own back yard, because we’re putting our own kind out of business. I say it’s better to focus on the big businesses — they’re the ones with the fat overpaid CEOs.

    • That’s a fallacy man… For every copy that’s downloaded, 10 are sold.. and mostly thanks to the propagation on Google of these very links.

  10. i 100% agree with comfort , it better to target the big company that making a lot of money of their business because it wont be much for them to have their stuff online for free. Actually they even have a budjet for that.

  11. Really, there’s all this fighting over this crap? The sound is horrible. I went to the guy’s site, and that’s how he recorded the videos. You need to have your volume at 100%. And then the guy is soooooooo boring.

    Get a good night’s sleep, and have plenty of coffee on hand before attempting to watch this!!!

  12. Thanks for the link update! I’m going to name my son after Ir0nboy

  13. Why some people believe that everyone-that-grabs-a-leaked/cracked/pirated-product-would-purchase-it-if-it-wasn’t-available-in-any-other-way is beyond me.

    In the other hand if you actually watch a video tutorial, truly enjoy it, and you work at a company with deep enough pocket to buy the thing, you make your recommendation/request and get it bought. Simple as that. Specially if the author isn’t a death-threatening moron, ofc.

    • @InSan – don’t tell me that if someone stole part of your livelihood you’d just take it without getting angry or saying something. Maybe i missed a bit but i didn’t see any death threats. I do use this site for software and i do find it very usefull but i don’t agree with what i see as a vindictive theft from an individual, it’s wrong.

  14. I refuse to d/l this, because I don’t use Cinema 4D. But if you like this guy’s tutorial, buy from him for god sake

  15. Well, that’s a big talk here!
    I did download, thank you.
    As for the cmivfx and other fxphd or elephorm… if i like it, i’ll buy it, for sure.
    Most of the time i’ve discovered products and developers thanks to piracy, so i must say i need this kind of place to finally buy.
    Then it’s a personal choice to buy or not, at least it should be some kind of reward to be listed on cgpersia between all those great softwares and plugs.

  16. Thanks Ir0nboy! All the complainers are old farts who dont realize that there will always be someone to cheat the system in this day and age. People will always be smarter than the companies which run them… Buying a legitimate copy of this would almost be pointless. How the crap are you supposed to know if it’s good or not!

    I for one dont like to waste money on what people think I need to know.

    • So what is the motivation for individuals to develop new software and training programs if they are just going to have their work ripped off?

      • piss off will ya
        no one is interested in your opinions we are a pirate blog forum and torrent tracker. so if you don’t like our way kindly get lost

      • With all due respect sir, most companies that make these tutorials are are what they are from actual sales. The fact that tutorials are still released every now and then means there’s more to it than just making money. If your materials are really good, big companies will notice and take you in.

      • What are you saying rich baby boy?
        Do you think everyone is rich and non-sadness like you?
        Do you really think everyone from every country can have these?
        If so, you are blind, your mom is calling you for drinking your orange juice.
        go away rich baby boy. you are Idiot not Iron boy.
        Ironboy is robin hood, just you can’t understand.

    • your a mong for coming here trying to express your opinion that no one gives a shit about.
      preach your beliefs to your scabby flatmate in london he may listen

  17. It’s a shame you’re not intelligent enough to have any moral discretion, idiots likeyou just make the world shitter.

    • I am a pirate where you expecting me to listen to yours or his sob story or something?

      • may be a pirate but u and VP share the same taste for CGI and yea atleast I DO expect u to listen and give that fellow a little credit. We pirate for not being able to purchase but we still have some moral and “WE” includes u too.

  18. Not all tutorials are worth the money. Most are just ripoffs of some other book tutorial with just different material. You think that you’ll make a living by just legit sales from companies who can afford? Giving people the chance to “take a look inside” opens up a bigger market for the developer. If I see a magazine on the counter that looks interesting I’d open the plastic cover and take a peek inside. If it’s worth my money, I’d buy it. This site empowers the individual user to choose what to buy. Instead of finding out after you part with your cash that the sound or quality is lame. It happens. That in itself is a ripoff.

    If you value your earnings, Mr. Developer, so do we.

    • And that’s another thing I just wanted to say, thank you.
      I’m completely agree with you.

  19. few nice tips but overall its really BOOOOOOORING to watch and WORST to listen!! that justin guy from DT does the best tuts!!!

    • Master Projects it’s very good DVD’s Tutorials, especially Master Project 2,
      I know the sound bad and the voice not broadcast!! he not actr but he has a lot of best tips.

    • Make believe you’re watching and follow the steps… the guy’s accent grows on you.. you’ll see… sort of like weeds.. some people like them. ;)

  20. If you have a knowledge and refuses to pass it to others, you are the theif!
    Some ppl you pay for your knowledge, others don?t. And… as a scientist I must say that the most part of my work is about the pleasure of share for free what I know.

    And I must add:
    I recieve more invitations to make talks in schools and universities (paid ones) than my co-workers who only wanna sell what they know.
    Welcome to the Information Era, Mr. Dev, no information will be paid before a peek!

  21. All you fucking losers that can’t afford a few miserable bucks for some good quality training, you make me sick. There’s no excuse for theft. If you want free quality software and tutorials get yourself Blender.

  22. Just out of curiousity, each and every member that’s whining about these links have purchased cinema4D? and vray? and each and every plugin which weren’t free?

    Kudos for the upload.

  23. I downloaded all of this it doesn’t worth even the time and bandwith a used
    is boring incoplete training and difficult to watch

  24. all i need is vol 4… the mograph section.. if anyone has, let me know k..
    Thank you for your hospitality.

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