12 comments on “Elephorm – Learn Cinema 4D R13 Fundamentals Vol.1 – French

  1. Elephorm and video2brain providings very useful i very long (detailed) tutorials, sometimes more than 8 hours! Amazing! But there is one problem… this is french or german language :/. Maybe software used in the course have english UI :).

  2. Thanx a lot guys!
    Most of the times we learn through english tutorials, for once you make it easier for me with a french one!

  3. Thanx for you donate Elephorm C4D french!
    plise Update link for :
    Elephorm – Peinture num?rique avec Photoshop
    Le portrait hyper-r?aliste
    Thanx !

  4. This tutorial would be COOL is they have it on English version too! :-)

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