11 comments on “Alien Skin Snap Art x86/x64

    • I tried it on Win7 (32bit). Photoshop CS5.1.
      1. Install Alien Skin Snap Art.
      2. Run keygen (as administrator), (Check “Snap Art 3” in the keygen menu), -> then generate. (don’t close the keygen).
      3. Run Photoshop. open an image. -> open filter menu -> choose Alien skin – snap art 3. ,Fill in the license code (from keygen). —> finish. (registration error message will appear. ignore it, press finish.
      4. open an image again -> open filter menu -> choose Alien skin-snap art3. ,then activate once again (manual registration menu will appear). -> choose E-mail activation. -> copy installation code to keygen, then generate. -> copy serial number (from keygen) to registration menu. -> Finish.

      hopefully help.

      • Hi.
        The problem is that the finish button stays unavailiable. I am sure that I have done everything right. Take a look at the screenshot. You see the problem?

  1. Bong it works fine, if you’re too stupid to make it work then normally I would say this softwre isn’t for you, but it probably is so good luck.

  2. Doesn’t work with with LightRoom 4 (known issue), but you simply need to upgrade to LightRoom 4.1 preview at Adobe labs.

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