Pixelux DMM Maya 2015 v1.1.10 & Maya 2014 v1.1.8?| 26MB
Title:Pixelux DMM Maya 2015 v1.1.10
The DMM Plugin for Maya allows you to do high quality finite-element-based destruction right inside of Maya. Simulate anything from jelly to diamond. Control your physical reality by changing plasticity, toughness, shape preservation and many other physically simulated parameters.
Pixelux DMM Maya 2014 v1.1.8
Thanks to NoMAD
thank you so much. i was waiting for “PullDownIt 3 Pro for maya 2015″… please…
This is better than most destruction plugins because unlike Pulldownit, FractureFX, Rayfire, this also has bending into the destruction so u can create not just rock destruction but also metal, rubber, etc.
bro, not working in maya 2015. shows some kind of error loading plugin.. any solution?
I wish they still made this for 3ds Max. They argued that they weren’t making enough profit for it, but they haven’t updated it since the 2011 version!
Failed to decompress rar
Hell yes! Finally cracked!
yes its working but has a LIMIT of 2500 tetrahedrons and that number is a joke