2 comments on “Skillshare – Realistic Dinosaur Sculpting in ZBrush

  1. It seems to be missing some clips in this course.
    Ends at clip 22. On skillshare it is at this moment at 27
    And still haven’t come into the part in the description about
    “Posing the Dinosaur ”
    “Rendering for your Portfolio Display”
    So I think it is a course in progress.

    Would like to see some updates-files extra outside the ordinary files, added whenever possible.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. This course is available at multiple sites but even Skillshare show that there are actually 44 videos.
    Skillshare are the only ones that mention posing and rendering and when you read through the video list, it only goes up to the end of detailing at video number 43.Final Touch Up and Wrap up.
    The same course is available at Udemy for a mere A$15 and at Nexttut for $99 but you can subscribe for $10 per month.
    There are plenty of tutorials for posing and texturing (ie. PolyPainting) in ZBrush so that’s not really an issue; completing the sculpting part of the tutorial is what’s most important and it’s easy enough to get for 10 bucks.
    So if you want it NOW; head to Nexttut, subscribe for $10 (which is A$14.20) for the month and download the videos you’re missing.
    Personally, I’m going to purchase it from Udemy as this author keeps the prices so damned low; it doesn’t feel right to pirate his stuff [I’ll just do that with the “big guys”; mostly ;)

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