25 comments on “Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.0 Win/Mac x64

  1. When I go to ProgramData>Maxon there is no RLM folder visible. I do have my computer set to Show Hidden Items. Trying to create an RLM folder only tells me that there is already an RLM folder and do I want to merge it. Yes or no, and the RLM folder is not visible. How can I make is visible? TIA.

    • Open the registry editor by typing “regedit” into your start menu and pressing enter.

      Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN

      Modify checked value to equal 1 (double click, replace 2 with 1).

      Restart computer.

    • The reason is that the RLM folder is hidden and “showing hidden files” will not show it. Go to the Maxon folder again and type RLM in the search box. A file should appear. Right click on it and hit “Open file location” and it will take you into the hidden file.

  2. I use the C4d2024 of the site and just tried after reading the note. It works:
    Redshift Notes:
    CPU Production Mode working
    GPU RT working
    GPU + CPU RT working
    GPU + CPU Hybrid RT working
    GPU renders in production mode with tons of noise and watermark
    GPU + CPU in production mode render the same with the exception that some buckets will randomly render fully.

  3. Operating System

    Windows 10 Version 20H2 or higher – or Windows 11
    Intel 64-bit CPU or AMD 64-bit CPU with AVX2 support
    16 GB RAM, recommended 24 GB or more

    Cinema 4d can not start, possibly because the CPU does not support AVX2, does anyone know how to avoid this problem, other than buying a new processor ?

    • What cpu do you have that doesn’t have avx2 of meet the criteria?
      Don’t all recent CPUs meet all that?

  4. My CPU is Intel Core i7-3770
    it has AVX but no AVX2
    Possibly AVX2 is on Intel I9 processors
    maybe I’m right maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know

    but C4D doesn’t start in windows 10

  5. So, in the Maxon App I don´t see a menu where I can set it to RLM Mode.
    I just have the house symbol up right and a logon field in the middle.

  6. attention the RLM folder is hidden to see it the folder you need
    to open the maxon app
    go the upper right hand hamburger drop down and go to show RLM key location
    then copy the maxon.lic over
    then just continue the rest of the steps in the read me

  7. I get Maxon Service Unavailable.
    What do I do?
    It only gives two options:
    Repair Maxon Service
    Download Latest.

    no other options or buttons I can click to get around it.

    I restarted Red Giant Service, but it doesn’t actually open or have a firewall popup.

  8. If you don´t see the RML folder, just go to the folder that contain the rml folder (specified in the txt) and add /rml to the adress in the path bar. Press enter and you will be in the folder where you can paste the file.

    Redshift only work in RT mode and Pyro won´t render in this mode. But at least we can use some redshift funtions… but maybe still better use standard or another plugin like vray.

    • So no pyro, basically making Redshift useless?

      No V-ray on the horizon.

      I got C4D to work now after restarting my PC.
      But I cannot figure out how to render Redshift with CPU.
      The IPR is completely noisy and has watermarks all over.

      • As far as I can tell, the readme is garbage.
        If your GPU is enabled at all, for hybrid or any other render type, you get watermark and noise.
        Only CPU render works for me.
        No pyro, even in IPR.

        Arnold for 2024 works, and pyro works.
        Shame redshift isn’t viable.

      • Redshift only work on RT mode, you can preview and make final renders with this mode but sadly you can´t render pyro and I think, rt is a little slow so, working better than previous versions but “they” couldn’t find a way to include full redshift.
        I think vray will arrive in the next few days and this version of c4d is actually faster than the 2023 version so I think it is worth downloading. If I had the money I would pay without hesitation but…

  9. I have found an issue I cannot solve.
    If I try to open C4D and then load any prior C4D project I have been working on, it unloads Redshift from my menu and it cannot be used.
    Is there a way around this?

    I cannot open kitbash3d files now to try and convert them to Redshift materials.

    This happens for every single old project file from C4D 2023.
    Is there a way to reload Redshift?
    I can’t understand why this happens. It’s in the menu and then it’s gone as soon as the scene loads.

  10. Hi guys, little help please.
    I am stuck at the “Maxon App” part.
    Parts I did:
    1. Installed Maxon_App
    2. Stoped Red Giant Service.exe
    3. Replaced Red Giant Service.exe
    4. Made RLM folder in Maxon folder, copied Maxon.lic there.
    5. Restarted Red Giant Service.exe and put on Outbound Rule to block it in Firewall.

    Then I start the Maxon.exe (from the app manager) and I get “Account Sign in” forms with nowhere to select RLM (upper right or anywhere).

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