11 comments on “GreyscaleGorilla – Plus Hub Plugins for Cinema 4D 2024

    • Hola Juan T podrías decirme cómo lo has instalado, porque yo lo he hecho y no se ve casi nada, tengo la pestaña en Cinema 4D 2024.2, esa es mi versión, pero no me funciona nada, solo las luces y un poco más. Gracias.

  1. Where you able to get the new frost textues to work that are in the the texture folder? I Had found this already a few weeks ago on another website and the frost won’t show up in the browser under textures. The models tab is finnally showing up like someone else said but i can’t get the frost to show. Thanks

  2. There is no material Pack. Or Please let me know how to install it. I am not able to see the material Pack

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