15 comments on “Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.2.0 Win x64

  1. I appreciate getting this out to replace the previous release with all the bugs.
    Is there any chance this works without having to install the Maxon App?
    The last one didn’t need the Maxon App, and I find it better not having to install that software.

    • same here, i have legit redshift license and i can’t have both RLM working. Is there any workaround without having to install the RLM? Like previous one that was 2 dlls replacement

      • I just tried previous method without installing Maxon app, and it doesn’t work. I always pops up and says licence missing.

  2. This update completely breaks the Arnold release from here.
    The texture nodes don’t load anymore. They are all just black boxes.

      • The Arnold renders and IPR works, but node editor has all blank nodes so can’t see what colours and textures look like to edit.

        I am trying to get cracked newest version of Arnold to see if that fixes it.

        • yggtorrent has the latest Arnold, and it works.

          Redshift didn’t work for me with this release. All the nodes are just pixelated Redshift watermarks.

  3. Hi everyone! I have used torrent tracker Rutracker before, how do you download files from here? Do you buy a subscription to these file sharing services? Cause waiting for two hours to download 300mb as for me is really awful(

  4. doesnt work, after installing and following steps, after clicking RLM mode it keeps saying ” No available licenses found – please acquire a license…”

  5. do I have to download all parts 1-4 before I can open any? I downloaded part 1 for windows and it just had an error

  6. Can you use RS when you have a legit license of it without the noise and watermarks for GPU rendering?

  7. “The 2 files are 100% safe and should be added to the safe list”
    Yea sure buddy… 🙄

  8. The “BlueStar_2024_3_2.dll” alone returns a bazillion Trojan warnings ⚠

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