307 comments on “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025!

  1. Happy new year, guys, and all the best !!!!
    You’re really helpful, and not only for downloading but also for discovering… many totally unknown stuff took birth from visiting CGP… the last big one was this afternoon, a life changer for me : X-Particles !!!
    I tasted the free version for 1 hour, and bought the full one for 99?, which is almost nothing compare to what it does.
    Instead of beeing suspicious and angry against you, all companies should be grateful to you !!! that’s what they don’t understand !!!

    Thx again, Friends !! long life to you ! BE HAPPY !!!
    Also a special thought for You, Nomad (and your sweet avatar !)… keep going on !!! Happy New Year again !


  2. Happy New Year CG Persia
    I Hope In New Year CG Persia Change The Old Template Site
    and Design New Template
    Please Upload Image Post In New Server. In My Country Filter Server (Ir)
    Because You Best & First CG Warez In The World.
    I Wish You Win

  3. Happy New Year!

    Thanks to CGPersia I have opportunity to really expand my knowledge and have chance to maybe work someday in such great studios like ILM or Weta

    Much Love! <3

  4. Too all the DUDES & DUDETTES a Happy and Healthy new year & a special thanks to the people behind this great site. It has change my retirement into a whole new direction, computer animation. WOWZER!!!

    Cheers & All the best

  5. Feliz a;o Nuevo, una de las paginas mas utiles que conozco, gracias a sus creadores, administradores, etc….

  6. Happy new year, hahah I noticed a typo in the sentence, its written perisa instead of persia , but I guess truly heart stuff always carries such signatures. All the best for you guys!!!

  7. I wish all the Best “TORRENT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!” for 2013, and many many thanks

  8. hey guys everyone from me i wish you all happy new year…always loved cgp and the team you rock guys,,,have a boombastic year 2014..god bless you all

  9. –>”Happy NEW YEAR 2014 to All”<–.
    (wish you healthy and happy,..always).
    …….. ……..
    …… ……
    .. ..
    and thank u CGPersia, for all the help.

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