Wordware 3DS Max Lighting

3DS Lighting

Author: Nicholas Boughen
Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Format: PDF
Pages: 536
Size: 24MB
ISBN: 155622401X

This book teaches lighting theory and introduces the lighting tools
in 3DS MAX. Coupled with numerous practical examples, this book
will have a beginner lighting like a pro.
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Softimage CAT 3.1 (32 & 64 bit)

CAT 3.1

SOFTIMAGE|CAT is a character animation plug-in for Autodesk 3ds Max. CAT is designed by animators, for animators to take the tedious technicalities out of 3D character animation. Its complete toolset enables easy character rigging, non-linear animation, animation layering, motion capture import, muscle simulation, and more. CAT is fast, stable, simple, and packed with cutting-edge features that give artists an easier way to animate characters in 3ds Max.

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Gesture Drawing for Animation | 8.54 MB

Gesture Drawing

Walt Stanchfield (1919-2000) taught life drawing classes for animators with a special emphasis on gesture drawing. For each weekly class session, he wrote informal handouts to emphasize the theme of the current class session, to comment on work done in the previous class, or discuss whatever topic struck his fancy. Over a period of years, these notes were lovingly shared, studied, and treasured by animation artists and students everywhere.
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