RandomControl ArionFX for Photoshop – v3.0.2
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RandomControl ARION v2.7.0 for 3ds Max 2013-2015 Amon^RA | 164MB
RandomControl ARION – v2.5.0 64bit
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RandomControl Fryrender & Arion Full x32Bit & x64Bit Proper Crack With All Platform Plug-ins *(XFORCE)*
fryrender v1.5 brings significant changes both in the inside and in the outside. We have made a big effort in re-thinking, re-factoring and even re-designing some key elements of the product, keeping the main requests of our customers in mind. As a result, the core is 50% faster, MPDM has become hyper-efficient, some of the most demanded features have been added, the licensing system is now more flexible and friendly, network rendering has matured to the point of excellence, and much, much more.
At RandomControl we’re resolute to pioneer the next step in light simulation. To this end we have taken all the expertise we have gathered in the making of our flagship product fryrender and worked on an entirely new technology designed to produce comparable output, but using every single computing device at your disposal. Arion makes use of our novel proprietary multi-CPU / multi-GPU / multi-IP interactive rendering technology.
v1.5. More features. More speed.
The same spirit.
Render Region.
Camera Response tonemapping operators.
Ability to toggle ON/OFF direct/indirect reflective/refractive caustics.
Ability to toggle ON/OFF certain features globally, such as bump mapping or displacement mapping.
New compact scene format (.RCS = RandomControl Scene).
New standalone command-line renderer (frycmd.exe).
New licensing system (much more customer-friendly).
New network management system (NetWarrior).
Some facts about Arion
Uses all the GPUs -and- CPUs in your system simultaneously.
Plugging an extra GPU delivers an immediate performance boost.
20x to 100x speed up per machine (hardware-dependent).
Strictly physically-based.
Fully unbiased (no cheats, no shortcuts).
Does not need any kind of precomputations.
Easy-to-use interactive WYSIWYG editing app.
The real-time viewport -is- final quality.
Production render engine features (commandline renderer, compositing channels, etc…)
Compatible with NetWarrior for hyper-fast cooperative still frame and animation rendering.
All rights reserved. All trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
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RandomControl Fryrender & Arion Full x32Bit & x64Bit Proper Crack With All Platform Plug-ins *(XFORCE)*
RandomControl All Platform Plug-ins
Many Thanks to XFORCE Team
Enjoy it !
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At RandomControl we’re resolute to pioneer the next step in light simulation. To this end we have taken all the expertise we have gathered in the making of our flagship product fryrender and worked on an entirely new technology designed to produce comparable output, but using every single computing device at your disposal. Arion makes use of our novel proprietary multi-CPU / multi-GPU / multi-IP interactive rendering technology.
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