PolyBoost is an extensive set of easy to use, but advanced tools for 3d artists working in 3ds max.
The focus of the PolyBoost tools is at speeding up and streamlining workflow for the artist.
Version 4.1 of PolyBoost has now been released with support for 3ds max 2009 and 3ds max 2009 Design. The new version includes several bugfixes and code optimization, no new features. It is also available for 3ds max9 and 2008
PolyBoost offers a wide range of tools for creating various types of subobject selections as well as a set of modeling tools which will make many tasks in everyday modeling a lot easier. Included is also a Viewport texture painting tool, UVW editing tools and a set of useful transform tools. The tools have been developed with the end user very much in mind to enable tools that are user-friendly, fast, stable and above all useful. Continue Reading