20 comments on “Luxion Keyshot Pro 3.0.82 x86/x64 – XFORCE

  1. Thank You CG Blogger for the post, and Thank You x-force for the crack!

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  3. i think they have never cracked for osx, it never worked.

    thats too bad. looking forward to see this happening

  4. anybody have tutorials for save model from 3ds max and improt to keyshot.
    i don’t know how to set camera in 3ds max and import to keyshot. after import to keyshot the model is or to big or to small and sometimes it is rotated.

    • did you ever go to this area http://keyshot.com/keyshot/training.html or try to set your model xyz axis to zero before you import it it to keyshot..you must learn first the basic steps in 3D Max..model first then import it to a format that supported by keyshot

  5. if anyone has an idea where to find the mac osx crack for this, please tell me, i’m dying to use this!

  6. 32bit?

  7. Anyone knows where can i download the keyshot 3 version cracked?…… thanks

  8. hey any one have new 3.0.90 crack? plz send me babbujathol@hotmail.com

  9. does anybody has the animation plugin???

    I would need it for an animated camera if that works bye this

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