13 comments on “Digital-Tutors – Light and Color Study – Multiple Colored Light Sources

  1. Damn man , u got time for n e thing else with all these awesome tuts youve been postin haha

  2. Thanks for the share!

    But digital tutors should really hire some more decent designers. They’ve started to do it lately with some of their new stuff (alas not everything). Just look at that crap main image…omg!

  3. DT are lame since I know about them. Maybe they’ve changed lately, but I wouldn’t know ’cause I’ve stopped watching their stuff a long time ago :)

  4. Oh, forgot to thank the uploader, ’cause the real important thing is his effort, so… thank you uploader!

  5. ???? ??????? ?????, ????????? ??? ???? ?????????? ??????? ?? ????????)))

  6. so… is this a tutorial about how to use photoshop to create bad quality art? because, I can?t believe what they chose to impress the followers of digital art. I love tutorials but these days it seems everybody jumps from learning to master in a couple of days… No doubt that the guy who made this soldier ,or whatever it is, knows everything about photoshop but what about taste or talent?

    • I agree with you! Digital Tutors should hire better 2D artists. These are awful. I don’t watch this one even if it was free on web.
      On second hand.. 3D tuts are excellent!

  7. of course, nothing to do with the uploader…all contributions are allways welcome

    • I know! If I made an image that bad I would delete the motherfu*ker and burn my hard disk! LOL

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