Windows 64bit Softimage 2011-2012-2013
Arnold is a global illumination system incorporating modern ray tracing
and physically based shading techniques. Arnold offers greater speed,
more power and higher quality. This gives studios using Arnold a
distinct competitive advantage – especially in big-budget productions.
Over the past few years, Arnold has been used to create unique visual
effects in major VFX feature films, animated features, and high-end
commercial projects. Sony Pictures Imageworks was the catalyst for
the professional adoption of the product and will use Arnold in all
upcoming films.

As Per Usual X-FORCE Bringing Another Epic Release!
Formidable….Merci IronBoy :)
Amazing! X-Force how do you do it?
can’t get rid of waterwark, is this cracked or just the beta?
thanks for the manual anyway, still a valuable learning tool
nevermind, working now
I am having the same issue here… how did you get rid of the watermark?
the problem was that it wasn’t actually reading the license for some reason, so i rebooted and then run the rlm.exe (right click on the file and run as admin) to test it and it worked.
so then i set it up so that it works at boot, and after rebooting the license server was running correctly as expected.
my problem now is that sta_displacement gives me this error:
‘ WARNING : [arnold] node “” is not installed
‘ ERROR : [sitoa]: Unable to load from the Arnold plugins (first occurrence: )
anyone with the same problem?
instructions-si.txt is wrong in part.
6/ Launch RLM license manager with “rlm -c solidangle.lic” or install as a service “rlm -install_service -c solidangle.lic”. =>wrong!!!!!.
=>rlm -install_service -dlog atosi.log
=>rlm -install_service -dlog atosi.log -c solidangle.lic
Yooohoooo!!! Thanks a bunch!
I don’t understand #6 from instructions.
6/ Launch RLM license manager with ?rlm -c solidangle.lic? or install as a service ?rlm -install_service -c solidangle.lic?.
click right mouse button + shift in folder that you unpacked arnold_licese_win32(64).rar.
then select open command window here.
=>rlm -install_service -dlog atosi.log
=>rlm -install_service -dlog atosi.log -c solidangle.lic
RLM server working – check
watermarks on renders – check
useless crack – check
my opinion and experience with this…
Works! Read the instructions… ;-)
you can’t be serious… I’ve read and re-read them. Done the same steps several times and then tried different things. To no good. RLM server is working but in XSI is giving me an error/warning that it can’t fin license.
I have no idea what’s going on.
p.s. Really, is this captcha puzzle going to stay here for long? I don’t know if it’s the same for eveybody, but to me is indescribable.
very very very Tnx
Billion Thanks To Xforce And IronBoy + CGP!
Hey people the wather mark problem is problem. What happen is… if you crack it right, you have only to open the file RLM before you open Sofitmage. Dont close The RLM, the both have to work together.
Linux please!!!
Many Thanks
Don’t forget to Go to the services and be sure rlm is started…
xforce got arnold for maya out but vray for maya 2013 is still nowhere :/
Can you please remove the image above as it is from our film (Stina & the Wolf) and we have Solid Angle as a sponsor. This could jeopardise our relationship with them.
solidangle.lic is a boom
Hey guys from XForce, could you guys please give me a spoiler if someone from you is working for getting ArMedia cracked? (ArMedia is a great augmented reality program, really useful!)
I can’t do #4, I run X-Force as administrator but when I want to patch, it says “write error, are you admin?”
Same here:
?write error, are you admin??
– Running as Admin
– tried to uncheck read only properties on folders.
– XSI&rlm not running
what’s missing?
Just am unable to patch it.
Managed to get all the rest right:
// INFO : [sitoa] Exported Frame 2 to Arnold in 0.086 sg
// WARNING : [arnold] [rlm] error checking out license for arnold (version 400):
// WARNING : [arnold] [rlm] * N o l i c e n s e f o r p r o d u c t (-1)
// WARNING : [arnold] [rlm] * B a d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s h a n d s h a k e ( – 1 1 3 )