8 comments on “video2brain – Matte Painting with Photoshop – GERMAN

  1. Moderating comments now???
    I wonder why this is necessary…. it has never been for the last past years… but since there seem to be way more complaits then cheers recently this is probably the only way to handle the Situation.

    Censoring peoples opinions??? Doing the exact thing which most people fight…. acting like a communit government
    setting up your own little ACTA???
    Why do you think this is necessary.
    YOU are the reason! you cannot stop peoples opinion by shitting them up with force just for saying what’s on their mind.

  2. Are you serious?
    If noone would have complained, ACTA would be active by now… and probably a few things alot worse.
    While this is not the place to discuss these things I’d say he’s got a point.

    Once people are not allowed to state their opinion in an appropriate way something is going seriously wrong.

    Good luck with your “i’ll accept anything I got served – no matter how it tastes” attitude ; )

    • Well, it starts to matter when you write a comment and it gets edited out just because someone doesn’t like your opinion.

      This is censorship at it’s best.

      I guess the post I made was too close to the truth… and that’s why person responsible for all this has no choice but to delete the post.

      It’s embarassing

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