12 comments on “Digital-Tutors – Creative Development: Cloth Sculpting Workflows in ZBrush

  1. Same family?

  2. Wow nice shemale WTF.

    Good thing this guy is teaching us how to create cloth and not beautiful women!

  3. Sadly, that is not the render I made for the tutorial as it was not the intention to make a final image and only to study cloth. They made some significant changes to the face and texture of the model and the end result is less than ideal in my mind.

    If you watch the tutorial instead of criticizing it ( you are getting it for free btw ) you would understand that. Anyway, since its out there nothing I can do about it but I will at least defend that that is not my final render.

    • mesmo assim obrigado Lee… levou muito na esportiva….muito admiravel seu trabalho!

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