24 comments on “ExorbitArt – Real Ground Plants V1.1

  1. We have, this is offering Details BlaBla in the Description…

    I hate it when People publish quantity and no Quality, do less better please!

  2. Hey guys come on. I do this models in my spare time and don’t get rich with it! Why do you leak the models? Don’t you have respect about my work?

    They are at a very fair price. Please remove the link.

  3. My condolences to Benjamin.
    Anyhow…How come no Cinema 4D files? I even downloaded the torrent and it was the same (Only Max.) To be honest Majority of folks here just use this stuff as a hobby. It’s free, it’s appealing, and brain boost. I am a CS student so only interesting in how this all gets done. Personal experience, yeah it sucks but hey on your next project you can brag about how gazillion of people shared your tools. Also please share the Cinema 4D stuff…Real Interior Details V1 would also be nice to have. I like to learn from talented folks. God bless.

  4. C4d files! please! please! please! please! please! please! please! please!

  5. I will try it, and buy if I will use it in any project. 30$ is cheap if there is a good quality/

  6. what the hel do people have against collada?
    *.max files are just a justification for monopolization

  7. NO Cinema 4D files inside. WTF stop with MAX Corporativism…this is oscene behaviour.

    Why both you and CGPerfection intentionally strips content(like C4D and other formats fbx/collada/obj) from products that contain those ??

    It’s nonsense.

  8. Here are the files for C4D, from the GFXDomain blog:


    Share the joy and have fun (:

  9. any chance of a cgpeers invite? need some of those delicious plants real bad.
    [email protected]

    Copypasta from: http://cgpersia.com/2012/11/cgaxis-models-volume-5-26429.html#ixzz2ON6n7iwH

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