9 comments on “R&D Group – iBushes – vol.1

  1. whyyy, you are making my forum gong down, please stop releases, I want to make money !!!aaaaaaa

  2. Relax, only lazy and non professional people are downloading it.
    Those who are working in niche and charge 50$ per visualization
    People who consider themselves as Pro and run studios will still buy it.

    Most people just collecting stuff for never use. Or download tutorials that they will never watch.

      • very true. i m lost in so much of data,videos and stuff but not working the way i desire, i really want to work and make my own PR stuff and make money out of it. i got lost 4yrs ago don’t know how? and why? but i m re grasping the eye for visualization . it is something that i have it but not been able to execute it for some time :( hope the picture will change, as it is much clearer now. thanks!!!!
        guys buy OG stuff if u can, and help those who worked hard for it.that is how money will flow in the market and jobs will flurish and recession will end all over the world.

  3. Can someone invite me to section peers? Someone from Brazil please, the blog has attended a lot of time and would be grateful if someone could help me with this. Thank you all.

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