Duration 1h 13m
Title:?Skillfeed – The Complete Guide to Video Editing Using Multiple Mediums
This comprehensive course is a complete guide to video editing, arguably the most complex part of video creation process. The aim of the course is for you to learn how to clean up your video while keeping it simple, natural and less editing. The video series will cover how to edit for different mediums : webinars, screen, studio and mobile recordings. Please read the quick start guide in PDF project file before watching the below videos.
http://rg.to/file/c29602391f3e4680d889a91f8b4b6253/SkfTComGuideVideoEditUsMulMediums.part1.rar.html http://rg.to/file/906e0ec5d56df37ea8f4890f209cd429/SkfTComGuideVideoEditUsMulMediums.part2.rar.html
http://ul.to/mrpj3j6f http://ul.to/ng1ngcdl
http://www.nitroflare.com/view/EC270DC1D985DD0 http://www.nitroflare.com/view/0B2E27BDB8376A1
http://www.uploadable.ch/file/PxaBE68ZMAsy/SkfTComGuideVideoEditUsMulMediums.part1.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/PrDcRavcYbRS/SkfTComGuideVideoEditUsMulMediums.part2.rar