5 comments on “Chaosgroup Vray for C4D 3.6.0 R18 R19 MAC

    • Cuckold i’m waiting for it too! There is crack for vray 3.6 ( for su 2018 ), since it came out (Nov 2017). But i’m wondering why after 1 year it hasn’t been released. A lot of people want it, it’s a plug in with a lot of request….

      • NO….there isn’t, yet!!! Not out in the open, at least.
        OK gimme the dn link, if you have.

  1. Cuckold read carefully what i’m writing : There is a crack since it came out -not in the open, as you said – ( of course i don’t have it , thats why i’m here ). Now there are 2 posibilities. 1) If someone who already have it, decide to publish it, someway/somehow, or 2) a big cg site like CGPersia, buying it from the cracker and realease it in the open. In first possibility we don’t know the time-maybe never, in the 2nd it depends on the CG site.

  2. key generator does not work for C4D R19.
    Says “bad C4D serial number”

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