5 comments on “The Foundry Nuke Studio 13.1v1 Win/Mac x64

  1. I’ve follow every step exactly but I still have an error:

    nuke_i license has not been found.

    Click Status for more details.


    Timestamp: Wed Jan 5 18:11:15 2022
    License(s) Requested:
    nuke 2021.1119 interactive with options all
    Extended Info: None Provided
    Host : bbl.local
    System ID(s) : e60b865d6298 , e60b865d6299 , e60b865d629a , 368bb7e00d40 , 368bb7e00d44 , 368bb7e00d48 , f4d4886fab8e
    RLM Environment Info: /Users/baruch/FoundryLicensing:/Library/Application Support/TheFoundry/RLM

    Reason for failure: Failed to understand response from server.

    nuke_i : Communications error with license server (-17)
    Connection refused at server (-111)
    License Path:
    /Users/baruch/FoundryLicensing:/Library/Application Support/TheFoundry/RLM:/Users/baruch/FoundryLicensing/

    Could someone help me?

      • I have the same issue on PC, and on both 13.1v1 and 13.1v2 versions. Anyone managed to make it work ?

  2. Why it’s impossible to find a way to instal it on MAC? The license simple doesn’t work at all…
    I’ve tried thousand times with different versions…. Does any good soul can help us?

  3. Why it’s impossible to install it on a MAC. I’ve tried thousand times with different versions… I’m a Catalina user.

    Does any good soul can help us?

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