

Renderray is an online CG community, where you can view and download tutorials, and 3D scenes of the worlds leading rendering engines (V-Ray, Brazil, Mental-Ray etc..) by using your favorite 3d Packages (3D max, Lightwave, Maya, XSI etc..). Download and learn how our members and our professional team prepare the render scenes. Modify them and create a new 3D scene.

Make a professional render of your own. Share it with the Render-ray Community.


Award-winning Autodesk? Maya? software is a powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation and rendering solution that enables leaders in film and television, game development, design visualization, and education to stay ahead of the game.

Autodesk Maya 2008 software delivers faster, more efficient tools and workflows for creating the stunning, high-resolution characters, environments, and performances that will populate the games consoles, theater screens, and televisions of the future
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Roger Braunstein, Mims H. Wright, Joshua J. Noble, “ActionScript 3.0 Bible”
Publisher: Wiley | Pages: 735 | Date: 2007-10-29 | ISBN: 0470135603 | PDF | 74MB

Packed with hands-on instruction and step by step tutorials, the ActionScript 3 Bible is everything you need to harness the power of this amazing language. ActionScript experts Roger Braunstein and Mims Continue Reading