
All posts for the month October, 2008

Gesture Drawing for Animation | 8.54 MB

Gesture Drawing

Walt Stanchfield (1919-2000) taught life drawing classes for animators with a special emphasis on gesture drawing. For each weekly class session, he wrote informal handouts to emphasize the theme of the current class session, to comment on work done in the previous class, or discuss whatever topic struck his fancy. Over a period of years, these notes were lovingly shared, studied, and treasured by animation artists and students everywhere.
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1.98go 2771 Files (JPG)
From 1000px*1000px to 8900px*2500px

Resurgere on DeviantArt is a group who release a lot of Awesome Resources packs (Textures/Stocks etc… Mainly for 2d use)
But they divide all into small packs (15mo) so its kinda hard to download it all, also the filesnames and packnames are horrible.
For example their “Nature” releases come into 14 different packs, each in a single zip, with weird filesnames.

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Rigging - From Zero to Hero


This CD is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a rig for a biped from scratch. The tutorial requires a basic knowledge of Maya and it’s catered to people with a beginner to intermediate level.

A document about Maya’s fundamental concepts is also included. This document gives a broad overview of how Maya works and the tools that you’ll need for rigging.
The document should appeal to beginners and advanced users alike.

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