13 comments on “Vicon Boujou 5.0

  1. Yha, Mac or PC?! If not mac version – I would be cool if someone would supply it ;)

  2. It’s the Windows version. Would be nice if that tidbit were included in the description. Looking forward to the Mac version.

  3. The mac version is notoriously difficult to find because there is so little demand for it. If you can’t use Bootcamp or parallels to run boujou 5, I suggest PFtrack on the mac, which does things better than boujou often, including mocap with only 2 cameras..

  4. still a bit buggy, and still single core. want the osx version too.

  5. At the very end of installation, it says ‘unable to install component’ & installation is rolled back. What is the solution to overcome this install problem? (I had no problem installing Boujou version 4)

  6. Download From FileFactory
    Play Boy?s Files

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