33 comments on “Digital Tutors – Infiltrator Production Pipeline Volume 1

  1. thanks man!
    i was looking for it for ages!!
    cg persia rocks !!

  2. Wow, haven’t seen digital tutors for awhile, great work Egustus, thanxxxx alotttt

  3. Would love to see a torrent made out of this. Hotfile takes ages to download, even with JDownloader.

  4. [b] “Software: Photoshop CS5” This is what the website specified, not Maya. Just for clarification. This seems to be a great tutorials for step by step of character development.[/b]


  5. question how do you actual get these vids?? how do you get vids out of the vault

    • Well you had to have a inception, find similar types ,gather them up, get some work out, shooting practices, give some day time trip to location, get some pic, study them, finalize, and sneak up late night …..BAM you are at the vault ….ugghh now use some sort of ointment or oil on the lock and spill out some possible password like DT, DiGiTaL TuTor, DIGITAL TUTOR…etc literally and pronouncing them with clear conviction…and again BAM here you now get the goodies before some one see and calling the po…

  6. Hi, I found your website @ google and i have read some of your other posts. I love what u post! I just added you to my Google News Reader ;). Keep up the good job. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  7. Useful details and Good style you got on your blog! I would like to say thanks for sharing your views and time in the things you post! Thumbs up

  8. Ive just paid for 6 months worth on Digital Tutors,downloaded about 28 flv videos…can i get them to play/convert,can i hell. Dose anyone know how to sort that?? ive used about 6 different converters tonight and still no joy

    • Play them with VLC, the best player around and it’s free.

      Please upload the project files for this training.

      • I tried that and it wont play them,im not impressed seen as the money ive just paid to view them,if i knew they also expire online after 7 days and to watch them again after that you have to use youre credits again,if anyone knows how to get them to play id do a swop if you get my meaning.
        How did the user get these videos to work as they are newer than the ones ive downloaded?

      • it would be awesome if you can share with me / us,
        and of course, if you need something i’ll upload myself – if i have
        thank you

  9. really ? v good work
    i?am really happy for this blog
    see you other time

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