One of QuadSpinner’s latest innovations is ShimmerWind, an advanced technique that enables you to create lifelike water like never before. To get a feel, we invite you to dive in to ShimmerWind Lake, a scene that spotlights a lighter version of this unique water material.
This tranquil coniferous scene features:
- QuadSpinner’s ShimmerWind MetaNode powered material*
- Realistic highlights on water, even when the sun is not directly visible or reflected in the water
- Sub-polygon anisotropy: get highlights with small glints without being limited by the geometry of the water
- The ability to animate with wind direction – to capture gusts and currents in your image
- Greater flexibility and control over your water surfaces
- Access to underlying fractals via our convenient MetaNodes
- Signature QuadSpinner atmosphere
- Complete custom-designed scene
- Technology based on hundreds of hours of experimentation
To get the most out of this and other aquatic scenes, check out our video training Waterscapes.