34 comments on “Vray Adv 3.00.07 3dsMax 2015 x64 (update)

  1. 2014 is here since a while http://cgpersia.com/2014/02/vray-adv-3-00-03-for-3ds-max-2014-64bit-39653.html

  2. http://cgpeers.to/torrents.php?id=37609&torrentid=37537#torrent37537

  3. so, this is not permanent crack? then still waiting for it….. :/

  4. Camera bug with Vray RT here…:(((
    You can replicate the bug just animating a camera and rendering with Vray RT from there.
    Animating the scene with a static camera will be fine.
    Rendering with Vray Advanced seems ok though.

    • Still gefunkt, rendering animation wont work, antialiasing is really jumping all over the place

  5. ? Crack will self-destruct on 01/01/2015? , serious??? OR not ?? :(( .. thanks !

  6. tried fresh install twice. still shows ‘demo’. progressive render shows resolution demo error.

    • ok… sorry i was using demo installer. demo and advance installer are not same. its working.

  7. since today 1.1.2015 “Could not get license (4096)”
    Yesterday was all ok
    crack is expired !!

    bullshit release

  8. hi cgpersia tanks………..
    plz vray v3.10.02 for max 2014

  9. ???? ?? ???
    ?????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ?????
    ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ????

    vray 10.2.02

  10. vray 3.10 would be really great! or any 3.0 version for 3ds max 2015 without time limit crack

  11. I’m having a problem with distributed rendering: The irradiance map buckets from the render slave are darker. It’s nothing to do with textures, as I’ve created a simple test scene with no textures (re-created the scene from scratch a few times). I’ve also tried version 2.50.01 of V-Ray, and it does exactly the same thing. Is anyone else having this problem?

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