7 comments on “CGMA – Texturing and Shading for Games

  1. Thank you so much for this course, Please upload week 5 and 6 too if possible. Thanks again :)

  2. thanks for this and i can you upload this course please

    cgma – intro to rigging with FABIO SIINO


    • Tank you very much! You are the best.

      Can you upload:
      – CGMA – Texturing and Surfacing for Films/Cinematics
      – CGMA – Stylized 3D Asset Creation for Games
      – CGMA – Intro to Rigging

  3. Thank you very much. You are the best.

    Can u upload:
    – Intro to Rigging
    – Stylized 3D Asset Creation for Games
    – Texturing and Surfacing for Films/Cinematics

  4. Are there the project files included ? I can’t find them. Thanks for an answer.

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