16 comments on “Enscape 3D Win x64

      • Sim jovem, precisa colar o clack na pasta C:\Users\seuuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Enscape, craquear e deletar o ckack dessa pasta

      • Já, cola o crack em C:\Users\seuuser\AppData\Local\Programs\Enscape, click em path, fecha o craqueador e deleta ele da pasta

        • cara eu tentei fazer isso no meu mas no meu pc a pasta do Enscape nem foi criada lá em Programs. Eu mesmo a criei lá, fiz o procedimento mas não rolou. O seu deu certo?

    • Não funciona para mim, peguei vírus, como você pode instalá-lo?

    • Desactivca el antivirus antes de descargar o descomprmir el archivo

  1. There is a problem with the key, it does not work and there are viruses

    • yo logre activarlo de este modo, puse en el host unos comandos de linea, copie el crack a la ruta C:\Users\tu usuario\AppData\Local\Programs\Enscape y hice el patch, cerre y borre el crack, inicie sketchup y funciono, pero me bloque la conexion a internet, asi que borre en el host los comandos de linea de enscape e inicie de nuevo sketchup y listo todo funcionando

      comando de host: api2.enscape3d.com my.enscape3d.com

  2. yo logre activarlo de este modo, puse en el host unos comandos de linea, copie el crack a la ruta C:\Users\tu usuario\AppData\Local\Programs\Enscape y hice el patch, cerre y borre el crack, inicie sketchup y funciono, pero me bloque la conexion a internet, asi que borre en el host los comandos de linea de enscape e inicie de nuevo sketchup y listo todo funcionando

    comando de host: api2.enscape3d.com my.enscape3d.com

  3. this one is not working. please send me a video tutorial on how to fix that?

  4. Everytime I put a Linear Light it crashes…. bug splat!
    Uninstalling right now!

  5. Practicamente todos los cracks contienen un virus en el *.exe…la mayoria son gusanos que habren una puerta posterior por donde se cuelan todos nuestros datos personales. Luego de instalar este crack sufrí hackeos en mis cuentas sociales…Facebook, Instagram, etc. Incluso intentaron hackear mi cuenta de Google…

    Practically all cracks contain a virus in the *.exe… most of them are worms that will open a back door through which all our personal data sneaks in. After installing this crack I suffered hacks in my social accounts…Facebook, Instagram, etc. They even tried to hack my Google account…

  6. Practically all cracks contain a virus in the *.exe… most of them are worms that will open a back door through which all our personal data sneaks in. After installing this crack I suffered hacks in my social accounts…Facebook, Instagram, etc. They even tried to hack my Google account…

    • Now that’s bad! Dried it, didn’t work. I guess I would have to wait for the next version maybe it would be than version 3.4

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