8 comments on “AutoCAD 2024.0.1 Win x64

  1. on win 10, when i run the AdskNLM.exe after installation process, i got this popup, called “AdskNLM Crack: error”:

    Application error:

    Exception code:
    Exception data:

    what should i do now???

    • i *SOLVED* by simply launching the crack in win 7 compatibility mode O_o

      • When you crack and open Autocad What You Type on “Select Network License” on the Server Name , Please Help!!!

      • After Crack AdskNLM.exe What you Type on License Server Name at Launching the Porgram , Please Help!!

  2. No problem to install for first time… but after a few weeks I got a “Your AutoCAD licence is not valid” message, I uninstalled and reinstalled, formated the PC, installed previous versions as far as 2018 and every single time that message is coming back a couple minutes after opening any file… now I can’t install any AutoCAD in this PC

    • Getting the same message myself…
      Is there a solution?!

      • the only solution i’ve found, until now, is to keep the PC offline…until it’s not connected on the web, aCAD works fine, but from when I turn on the connection, that popup comes up and the licence is gone!

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